Dear center,  Please do email us your requirements to  We will revert back shortly.

1. Call Center Registration

  • Firm Registration
  • DOT/Call Center License
  • Company Profile
  • Tax Registration

2. Call Center Setup

  • Desktops & Laptops
  • Server Setup
  • Lease Line
  • Manpower Recruitment

3. Call Center Software

  • Dialer
  • CRM Software
  • Call Center Leads
  • VOIP Minutes

4. Project Assistance

  • Inbound Process
  • Outbound Process
  • Tech Support Process
  • Virtual Assistance Proces

Basic Sign-Up Procedure

Step 1: Send an email with following details

1. Process Name (Visit Available PROJECTS)
2. No. of seats/slots
3. When do you want to signup?
4. Company Profile
5. Any Queries/doubts

Step 2: I will forward it to my client and book appointment for you.

Step 4: Visit client's office with basic documents required:

1. Authorised person's ID Proof
2. Company Registration Proof
3. Office Address Proof
4. Center SnapShots

Step 5: Do the signup and get live.

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