Please see the requirement received from Bangalore based E-Commerce Company. Client is a XXXXXXX associate group company.

Company : E-commerce based organization located in Bangalore is looking for a Call Center to take care of the Inbound  for them. 

Scope : Inbound calls, Chat Support, Order taking, Query Handling, Shipping and deliveries, Complaints and Customer Satisfaction.

Seats : Total of 30 Seats for Inbound 
Payout : INR 32,500 +Taxes for Inbound Agent 
Payment : Monthly basis to the center account directly.
Training : Will be given by the Client, Client will also provide CRM and other tools to the center.
Signup : Bangalore

Charges is Rs 7 lakhs + Travelling expenses

Reference center at Bangalore available.

Basic Sign-Up Procedure

Step 1: Send an email with following details

1. Process Name (Visit Available PROJECTS)
2. No. of seats/slots
3. When do you want to signup?
4. Company Profile
5. Any Queries/doubts

Step 2: I will forward it to my client and book appointment for you.

Step 4: Visit client's office with basic documents required:

1. Authorised person's ID Proof
2. Company Registration Proof
3. Office Address Proof
4. Center SnapShots

Step 5: Do the signup and get live.

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