Dear Center,

We would like to present before you a great opportunity to work on It Tech Support Customer Services Inbound Campaign. The customer shall call up on our Helpline Number based on our Website IT Help Desk Customer Services. The calls would be routed to the qualified Centre and they are expected to support the customers and resolve any queries.

Process Details

Product/Service Category
$ 1/Minute
Shift Window
8 hours/one shift
Agents Required
Min 10 agents/shift  (1 Shift )
Call Volume
Qualified Calls need to purchase
Minimum Performance Expected
Quality Scores and XXXX. as per the SLA
After 3 months of performance
Ramp-up Duration
6 months (Driven by performance of the Centre)
Payment Cycle
Monthly Basis.
Format will be exchanged and explained during online training

Call Centre is willing to receive Inbound phone calls, through Call Centre, under its direct supervision of Technical Support Executive, support floor; from probable prospects and/or Probable customers for support and services, for windows/Mac base computers and enroll in our different service plans; to the residents of the U.S.A.

Terms And Conditions:

1.       Call Centre shall not exceed the 2 % call drop percentage
2.       Call Centre shall record all calls (100%) received in regards to the campaign and shall make available a recorded verbal call and verification of address in its entirety from each customer who agrees to accept and/or its Client’s program offer.
3.       Call Centre shall need to give a proper service to customers also take the remote access and show only genuine issues of the computers to the customers.
4.       Call Centre shall not hang up/disconnects any call until the customer disconnects the call.
5.       Call Centre shall meet the minimum quality service feedback from customers (90%).
6.       Call Centre should not take any financial information from customer. Information transmitted to Client shall include Full Name of the enrolling member

Training: The trainer will check the agents, Technical Infrastructure and feasibility of the Centre based on which we will provide the master SLA to the Centre. Online site training for 7 days shall be provided.

Centre to recruit the advisor with the following skills.
·         Good Communication
·         Good Customer services Skills
·         Good Selling & Convincing Skills
·         Attitude & Stability
·         Good Analytical skills
·         Basic computer skills.

Note: The Centre can recruit the advisors based on various tests like aptitude, listening, grammar & mathematical tests. (Scores should be more than 75% on each of the area)
Agents and Managers will go through the Client round before recruited.

Note: Preferred advisors who have worked on US inbound Campaigns. If fresher’s in the team then we strongly recommend a US (V & A, and Culture) training given to such advisors before the process training.

Process Training
·         Client will deliver the training for 7 working days (Saturdays and Sundays off), this training will cover the following  - Pre process training, process training, customer services skills
·         The Client will provide all training documents.
·         Centre to provide these printed documents in the form of a booklet to the trainees. (These documents are treated as Intellectual assets and should not be given to the trainees to carry outside the office zones).
·         We expect the Centre to provide a proper training room with the following facilities. (Projector, Whiteboard/Marker, Computers with proper windows license and CHROME, MS OFFICE)
·         Written and Listening tests will be conducted by the trainer and only the trainees who clear these tests would move for accreditation/ Certification process

Accreditation Process
·         After the training accreditation would take place after the training.
·         5 systems to be arranged by the Centre for accreditation. (Skype to be installed on these systems)
·         Accreditation results would be published on the same day and if any fail the retake would be done the next day. - 2 attempts and if the agent still is not able to clear he will not be entertained in any training batches at least 12 months.
·           The trainer to provide the accreditation certificates once the certification is over and will provide the trainees with their user ID’s and passwords for the web portal. (Passwords would be confidential and should not be shared with anyone apart from the user and the line manager)

Onfloor Support and Coaching
·         The trainer will provide a training + and training extra in the OJT phase (Daily 2 hours over 1 weeks).
·         The SME’s sent by the client will help the operations team by providing them Operational support in the development of the trainees.

Quality Support
·         The client would send the Quality expert to set up the Quality framework with the internal quality team at the Centre. This framework would include: -
o        Daily compliance checks.
o        Quality monitoring and feedback.
o        Calibration & Weekly Quality scores.
o        Complaints Investigation process.
o        XXX  will be conducted on a monthly basis and scores will be published
o        Agents scoring 2 or less for 2 consecutive weeks will be suspended from answering calls, and will undergo QIP process for 2 weeks.

·         Daily SPD Report (Template will be provided by the Client)
·         Daily Call Drop report (template will be provided by the Client)
·         Daily Attendance Report. (Template will be provided by the Client)
·         Daily Sales Log (Template will be provided by the Client).
·         EOD reports to be sent to the clients. (Template will be provided by the Client)
·         Weekly Sales Report (Template will be provided by the Client)
·         Weekly Centre Sales & Individual performance Report (Template will be provided by the Client)
·         Weekly Abandon Report / (Template will be provided by the Client)
·         Weekly Compliance Check Report (Template will be provided by the Client)
·         Weekly Cancellation Report (Template will be provided by the Client)
·         MTD Sales Report (Template will be provided by the Client)
·         MTD Attendance Report (Template will be provided by the Client)
·         Application Cancelled Report (Template will be provided by the Client)

Voice files -

·          All sales voice files should be available in the client ftp within 24 hours from the time the sale is completed. (Client to provide the ftp details)

Tech requirements -

·         For every 10 agents slot, the centre is required to provide 8Mbps data link - with redundancy
·         For every 10 agent slot, the centre is required to provide 2 E1 (IPLCC) links -with redundancy
·         2 Dedicated IBM servers - 3250 series needed (Call server, Application server, database server and control panel)
·         SANGOMA Cards on the call server.
·         1 Cisco Routers - 2900 series
·         Switches - 2 Cisco Switches of 2600 series
·         Systems - Processor-i3, 2 GB RAM, HDD 500 GB with Win7 OS installed, MS office licensed, licensed soft phones / hard phones, noise cancellation headphones.
·         All voice files to be stored for 2 years and all sales calls to be uploaded on the Client FTP server.

Documents required:

•           Company Profile
•           Company Pictures
•           Articles and Memorandum of Association
•           Last 6 months Bank statement
•           Director’s profile along with senior Management profile
•           Details of any 2 previous inbound projects handled

Steps for Process Procurement:

1. Company Profile Selection.
2. MOU Signup
3. Client Introduction
4. SLA signup.
5. Feasibility test by trainer.
6. Agents Onsite Screening
4. Onsite Training
7. Final Mock & Test Calling

Basic Sign-Up Procedure

Step 1: Send an email with following details

1. Process Name (Visit Available PROJECTS)
2. No. of seats/slots
3. When do you want to signup?
4. Company Profile
5. Any Queries/doubts

Step 2: I will forward it to my client and book appointment for you.

Step 4: Visit client's office with basic documents required:

1. Authorised person's ID Proof
2. Company Registration Proof
3. Office Address Proof
4. Center SnapShots

Step 5: Do the signup and get live.

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